Opiskelijat ulkona


"You can leave Vaasa, but the university will never leave you"

University of Vaasa Alumni

All graduates (with a bachelor's, master's, licentiate, doctoral, or MBA) are alumni of the University of Vaasa. We already have over 13,000 graduates! We are proud of each of our alumni. You remain an important part of our community. We want to know how you are and hear about your career and how it is developing. We are here for you.

Join the alumni network and let's stay in touch!

Alumni network

If you have graduated (with a bachelor's, master's, licentiate or doctoral degree), done a continuing education programme (MBA, JOKA, modules), studied or worked at the University of Vaasa or Vaasa School of Economics—you are our alumni!

Participation in our alumni activities is entirely voluntary and free of charge. You decide how much you want to be involved. As a mentor, you can support students and get up-to-date information. At university events, you can network and engage in topical discussions. Or, you can simply follow the news on social media.

The knowledge and expertise of our alumni are valuable resources for developing our operations at the university. Together with our alumni, we want to provide even better education, do more successful research and make our university a major player in society.

We communicate through the alumni network.

Welcome to join the alumni network! 

Update your alumni information!



Alumni news

News, events and stories about alumi in our Newshub.

Alumni benefits 

  • Emailed newsletter 4-6 times a year
  • Subscribe Vox Cordis for free, send email yliopistolehti(at)
  • Graduates of the University of Vaasa can apply for a separate right to study after graduation. All graduates after August 1, 2019 are eligible to apply for this alumni study right, free of charge if you join the alumni network. More information: hakijapalvelut(at)
  • You can use the career services of the university up to about a year after your graduation, if necessary.

Alumni on social media

Please follow our social media channels.

