Päivitetty 21.2.2022 | 05:40

Learning Café: Boosting your business with space-based data

Ma 25.5.2020 | 12:30 - 16:00

Welcome to the virtual Learning Café session “Boosting your business with space-based data” provided by the KvarkenSpaceEco project! Mon 25th May, 12:30-16:00.

Please sign up for the Learning Café here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/296D21FFAF6C9D06


The new digital space economy is an internationally growing field of research and development. The possibilities offered by large quantities of data collected from satellites bring interesting new opportunities for the private sector (opportunity to develop new knowledge and products/services based on satellite data that strengthens industry’s competitiveness) and the public sector.

This Learning Café consists of a webinar and a virtual workshop. In the webinar, experts talk about the potential of space based data in business and the related funding opportunities, and case companies introduce their own ways to leverage space data in forestry and agriculture, logistics and positioning, maintenance, and geoinformatics. In the workshop, we will be divided into groups by sector-of-interest and brainstorm together how space based data can be useful for business in that field, including current and potential future solutions.

Do you already have ideas you want to develop, or are you interested in hearing what space can bring to your business? Either way, come along!

When: Monday 25.5.2020, at 12:30-16:00 (Finnish time)
Where: Zoom video conference (the link for the webinar will be distributed separately by e-mail for those who have signed up)


12.30 Webinar begins
KvarkenSpaceEco project presentation (Heidi Kuusniemi)

Experts talk about the use of space based data in business and, for example, about funding opportunities

Case companies present their ways of utilizing space based data in : forestry and agriculture, logistics/positioning, maintenance services, and geoinformatics

14.00 break

14.15 Workshopping

Assessing needs and requirements

Current solutions

Prospective future solutions utilising space data

16:00 End, wrap up

Please sign up for the Learning Café here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/296D21FFAF6C9D06

Privacy notice of the Learning Café registration: https://cloud.uwasa.fi/index.php/s/1KgNxge4x1pEDTb