Päivitetty 21.2.2022 | 05:02

Pitch & Publish Café: How to Visualize your research results and data

To 31.1.2019 | 12:00 - 14:00

Welcome to the fourth Pitch and Publish Café by InnoLab!

On Thursday 31st of January we have invited an experts in the field of Graphical design and visualisation of research

Satu Aaltonen, AD and Head of Design at University of Vaasa and VAMK, and Virpi Juppo, vice-director Research SErvices and Graduate School University of Vaasa

Visualizing data and research



We meet up at University of Vaasa campus, building Fabriikki, 1st floor - room F118 at noon.

The InnoLab´s Pitch and Publish café is open to everyone interested!

Sign up for the event because of practical arrangements and coffee: SIGN UP

More information about Pitch and Publish cafés