Päivitetty 21.2.2022 | 05:02

Pitch & Publish Café: Working with the media - make your expertise visible!

To 15.11.2018 | 12:00 - 14:00


The InnoLab´s Pitch and Publish café is open to everyone interested!

On 15th of November the Pitch and Publish café by InnoLab have invited experts in the field of working with the media.

The café will have panel discussions and Q & A with the theme: Working with the media - Make your expertise visible!

The Expert panel consists of:

Hanna-Mari Soini, Director Communications, Wärtsilä Finland

Erkka Railo, Leading political expert, MustRead

Ville Pitkänen, Researcher, e2

We meet up at University of Vaasa campus, building Fabriikki, 1st floor - room F118 @ 12.00

Sign up for the event because of practical arrangements and coffee. Please sign up here: https://www.lyyti.in/TOFO4051_Pitch_and_Publish_3664

Further information: https://www.uwasa.fi/fi/sites/innolab/innolab_is/pitch_and_publish_cafe/15th_of_november/