Päivitetty 7.11.2022 | 14:44

Proactive Law, Legal Design and AI: Strategies and Tools for Better Business and Better Society (Digital Economy Seminar Series)

Pe 25.11.2022 | 12:00 - 14:00

Vaasan yliopisto,Tervahovi (päärakennus), huone D102 | Online
Wolffintie 32
65200 Vaasa


  • 12:00 Coffee and networking
  • 12:15  Opening and welcome (the online part of the seminar starts), Vesa Annola, Professor of Business Law, University of Vaasa
  • 12:20  Proactive/Preventive Law and Legal Design: Past. Present and FutureGerlinde Berger-Walliser, Associate Professor of Business Law, University of Connecticut
  • 12:50  Contract Design and DignityRobert de Rooy, Lawyer; Innovator of Comic Contracts and doctoral candidate in Business Law, University of Vaasa
  • 13:20  GPT-3 and other AI Tools to Generate Actionable Information for Humans and Machines

    Marika Salo-Lahti, Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Business Law, University of Vaasa
    Mikko Ranta, Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Accounting, University of Vaasa
    Helena Haapio, Contract Strategist, Lexpert Ltd; Associate Professor of Business Law, University of Vaasa; Professor of Practice and Docent of Proactive Law and Contract Design, University of Lapland

  • 13:50  Discussion, ending words

Type of the seminar

  • Public, scientific, hybrid


Please register by November 21, 2022. -> Registration link

Link for online participation

-> Join the online event, password (if needed) 518127