Päivitetty 24.8.2021 | 16:06

Renewable Efficient Energy III Conference

Ti 19.3.2013 | 08:00 - Ke 20.3.2013 | 16:00

March 19-20, 2013, Gloria Congress Centre

Renewable Efficient Energy III (REE III) Conference is an excellent forum to meet experts in the international field of renewable energy, distributed energy production and energy technology. The presentations will be held in English.

19 March 2013: Renewable Energy

Distributed energy production is the way to local energy economy. Vaasa Energy Institute is arranging the second renewable energy seminar as a part of the Renewable Efficient Energy Conference. The main topics are engine technology, bio-fuels & geo-energy and smart & micro-grids.

20 March 2013: Wind Energy

Wind Power is an industry with great potential, particularly in the region of Ostrobothnia. Vaasa Energy Institute is arranging the second National Wind Energy seminar as a part of the Renewable Efficient Energy Conference. This time the main topics are noise reduction of the wind turbines and wind measurements.


The Renewable Efficient Energy III Conference is arranged by Vaasa Energy Institute (www.vei.fi). Participation fee (early registration until 10 March) for both conference days is 285 € (+VAT), and for one conference day 195 € (+VAT). Participation fee after 10 March for both conference days is 350 € (+VAT), and for one conference day 250 € (+VAT). The price includes lunch, coffee and evening programme on Tuesday.

Further information: http://energyvaasa.fi/energy_week/the-events/renewable-efficient-energy-iii