Päivitetty 24.8.2021 | 18:03

Vierailijaluento KTT Arto Lanamäki: Affordance Theory in Information Systems Research

Ti 25.4.2017 | 13:30 - 14:00

Tervetuloa vierailijaluennolle, jonka aiheena on ""Affordance Theory in Information Systems Research".


  • Tiistaina 25.4.2017 klo 13:30
  • Paikka: sali F250


Dr. Arto Lanamäki is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Oulu, in the Interact research group. His research concerns the dynamic relationships between information technologies and social practices. Lanamäki holds a PhD from University of Bergen in Information Science, and an MSc from University of Tampere in Computer Science. He has published in JASIST and CAIS journals, as well as in conferences such as ICIS, ECIS, HICSS, and SCIS. Before joining academia, he worked in managerial and development positions for seven years in healthcare IT and one year in VoIP service development.