Englanninkielinen osuustoiminnan verkkokurssi 3.6.-14.7.2019
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CNS-opetusverkosto järjestää kesä-heinäkuussa englanninkielisen osuustoiminnan verkkokurssin (5 op). Vaasan yliopisto kuuluu CNS-verkostoon, joten opinnot ovat opiskelijoille maksuttomia.
Kurssi soveltuu erityisesti kansainvälisille opiskelijoille, mutta siihen voivat hyvin osallistua myös muut opiskelijat. Osuustoiminnan yliopistolliset kurssit soveltuvat kaikille tieteenaloille.
Co-operative values and principles I (3.6.-14.7.2019)
- Course: CNS-P1 Co-operative values and principles I
- Aim: At the end of the course the students have a fair understanding of what co-operative enterprises are and which values and principles they are built on. The students get acquainted with different types of co-operatives and with the ways these apply the co-operative values and principles in practice.
- Content: In the course the history of modern cooperatives and their values and principles at both national and international levels are dealt with. The students learn how the cooperative values and principles originated and took shape during the 1900’s, how they evolved during the 2000’s and how they are reshaped to the demands of today’s global world. The study module ends with examples of cooperatives showing that they are not curiosities from the past, but that the challenges of the modern business environment can be answered by them.
- Realization and methods: Web course in English (some exercises can be written in Finnish / Itsenäiset opiskelutehtävät voi kirjoittaa halutessaan suomeksi)
- Credits: 5 cr
Students at the Aalto University School of Economics in Helsinki and at the LUT University are entitled to 6 credit points upon completion of additional tasks.
The course is free of charge to the students of the CNS university network.
Further information about the network and enrollment for the course: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/ruralia-institute/education/co-op-network-studies
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