Virpi Salojärvi

Postdoctoral Researcher

School of Marketing and Communication, Communication Studies
+358 29 449 8405
Office Hours:
By appointment

  • Social media research
  • Media theories
  • Media and society
  • Master's seminar
Research interests: Polarization, populism, conflicts, civil society, journalists, visual and performative analysis

Research projects:


Szebeni, Z. & Salojärvi, V. 2022. " Authentically" Maintaining Populism in Hungary: Visual analysis of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's Instagram. Mass Communication and Society. Available here. Salojärvi, V. 2022. Faceless government: Civic action in media photographs during the Venezuelan anti-governmental protests of 2017. Visual Communication 21(1), 53-72. Available here. Salojärvi, V.. & Jensen, R.B. 2021. Active agency, access and power. Media, War & Conflict 14(3), 263-267. Available here. Salojärvi, V. 2020. Populistiset miesjohtajat ja performatiivisuus: Timo Soinin, Hugo Chávezin ja Donald J. Trumpin hahmot journalistisissa kuvissa. Media & Viestintä 43(4). Available here. Garcia Santamaria, S. & Salojärvi, V. (2020) Media in Authoritarian Contexts. A Logics Approach to Journalistic Professional Resistance in Cuba and Venezuela. In Media & Governance in Latin AMerica: Towards Plurality of Voices. Available here. Salojärvi, V. 2019. Populism in Journalistic Photographs: Political leaders in Venezuelan newspaper images. Iberoamericana - Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 48(1), 28-39. Available here. Salojärvi, V. 2018. Together with the people: Framing populism in government and opposition newspapers in President Chávez's Venezuela. In: Kovala, Palonen, Ruotsalainen & Saresma (toim.) Populism on the Loose. Available here. Salojärvi, V. 2017. The media use of diaspora in a conflict situation: A case study of venezuelans in Finland. In: Ogunyemi (toim.) Media, Diaspora and conflict. Pagrave Macmillan.

Publications and expert tasks

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