
How can I come to Vaasa and how does the process look like?
Which documents are needed? How to update the Learning Agreement?

Coming to Vaasa as an exchange student

University of Vaasa welcomes exchange students from our partner universities all around the world. If you are interested in spending one or two semesters at the University of Vaasa as an exchange student, please contact the coordinator or International Office of your home institution and ask how the application process at your home institution looks like and whether they have any special requirements concerning your exchange at the University of Vaasa.

All exchange students to the University of Vaasa need to be nominated by their home institutions and it is not possible to complete a freemover exchange. 

Language requirement 

University of Vaasa does not require official language tests from exchange students. However, as exchange students study in English, we do expect the exchange students to have at least intermediate (B1-B2) level of English. 


Exchange students are personally responsible for obtaining a personal insurance for themselves and for their personal belongings. The insurance should be obtained before arrival to Finland, and it should cover costs resulting from illness or an accident (doctor and hospital charges, including medical treatment and hospitalisation, medication, and costs resulting from interruption of the exchange). The insurance should cover the whole duration of the stay. The exchange students should also obtain an insurance for personal belongings and third party liability.

Process in a nutshell

  1. Apply at your home institution
  2. Your home university nominates you to Vaasa
  3. You receive an email from Vaasa with a link to an online application form
  4. Submit the online application and the Learning Agreement

Online Application

After the nomination from the partner institution has been acknowledged, the student will be sent a link to the electronic application form.

To be enclosed with the online application:

  • Copy of a passport or of an official ID
  • Transcript of records from home university (official or a printout from the database)
  • Passport picture

Please note that the application will not be processed without the Learning Agreement and all the attachments should be uploaded in English. 

Application deadline: 

  • Autumn semester/Full year: 15 May
  • Spring semester: 15 October

Note: If you are a Master student, do include also the Transcript of records of your Bachelor degree

Learning Agreement

In order to complete your application, you should submit a signed Learning Agreement.

What is Learning Agreement?

A document in which you list the courses you want to complete at the University of Vaasa. Do keep in mind that the document should be signed and approved by your home institution first.

Which model should be used?

Erasmus+ students should use the Online Learning Agreement. You can find more information about the Online Learning Agreement below. If your home university is not yet using Online Learning Agreement, you can use the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement template that your home university provides. Other exchange students should use the Outside of Europe Learning Agreement template. The model can be found as a word-document on this website.

How to update the document?

It is important that you keep your Learning Agreement up-to-date. If you make changes in courses during your stay in Vaasa, you can update your Learning Agreement accordingly by filling out the During - part of the Learning Agreement document. Remember that the change needs to be approved by your home institution first, before we are able to approve the Learning Agreement.

Online Learning Agreement

Information for OLA

Erasmus code of University of Vaasa: SF VAASA01

Contact person at the receiving institution:

  • Name: Fredrika Sourander
  • Title: Specialist
  • Phone: +358 29 449 8663
  • Email:

Planned duration:

  • Autumn semester:2.9.– 20.12.2024
  • Full year:2.9.2024 – 30.5.2025
  • Spring semester:9.1. – 30.5.2025

Student information – Fields of Education

  • 0311 – Economics
  • 0312 – Political sciences and civics
  • 0314 – Sociology and cultural sciences
  • 0321 – Journalism and reporting
  • 0411 – Accounting and taxation
  • 0412 – Finance, banking and insurance
  • 0413 – Management and administration
  • 0414 – Marketing and advertising
  • 0713 – Electricity and energy
  • 0714 – Electronics and automation
  • 0732 – Building and civil engineering

Step by step

  1. Register with the portal or app
  2. Fill out all the mandatory fields about you, sending and receiving institution. The information on this website will help you.
  3. Choose the courses at the University of Vaasa and insert them in Proposed Mobility Programme Table A
  4. Insert in Table B how the courses will be recognized at your home institution
  5. Sign and send the document for sending institution 

NOTE: You can print out your Learning Agreement from the system after each time it has been signed by one of the three parties (the student, responsible person at sending institution or responsible person at receiving institution)

Erasmus+ Mobile App
Katso video