Shahid Hafeez


Markkinoinnin ja viestinnän yksikkö, Markkinointi

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Shahid Hafeez (Msc. Industrial Management) is a Grant Funded Researcher and a Doctoral Candidate at the School of Technology and Innovations, University of Vaasa. His research interests include ecosystem collaborations, co-innovation, open innovation, knowledge exchange, digital innovations, and technology implementation and utilization for business innovations and growth. He is part of Networked Value Systems Research Group at Industrial Management department, School of Technology and Innovations, University of Vaasa.

He has presented his research work at several national and international conferences and published his research in reputable journals.

He has worked as a project researcher in various projects, such as EntRENEW, OpenInnoTrain, and InnoDigi. He has also served as a Student Advisory Board Member at EUNICE and a sports coordinator for a Cricket game organized by the University of Vaasa.


Link to Google Scholar Profile

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