Niklas Kurki

Background and research interests
I am a curious and entrepreneurial PhD candidate that applies a healthy mix of psychological and economic theory, using experimental and quantitative methodology, to study consumer and managerial judgement and decision-making.
My thesis under work focuses on the Nordic health care and social care domain where consumerism, for-profit market-logic, and digital platforms are becoming dominant features of care provisioning amids traditionally robust welfare norms.
Healthcare is characterized by plenty of asymmetric information, affective emotions, social norms, with a backdrop of already complex human health, making market-logic implementation not that straight forward.
This combination poses challenges to a set of often un-mature market participants ranging from consumers/patients, health-care professional, and policymakers who seek to navigate this new market-based reality towards the goal of increased efficiently and positive patient outcomes.
If my research can contribute, in any way, to the academic and/or practitioner work that seeks to untangle this multifaceted challenge, I consider this thesis project a success.
Professional experience
On the side of my research, I am building a platform for applied researchers. Colcrane Behavioral Insights, that helps organizations and startups to leverage their customer transaction data to increase customer value and foster data-driven customer-centric-culture change. We do this by applying a combination of research-based customer analytics and behavioral science. Prior to this, and my thesis, I worked at Microsoft and its partner-ecosystem.
M.Sc. Economics and Business Administration, Hanken School of Economics
M.Sc. Social Science, University of Helsinki
B.Sc. Economics and Business Administration, Hanken School of Economics
Do you want to discuss something or have a collaboration idea? Do not hesitate to reach out via email or LinkedIn!