Päivitetty 21.2.2022 | 05:02

Pitch & Publish Café: Pitching and Publishing - What skills are needed and how to improve?

To 27.9.2018 | 12:00 - 14:00

The InnoLab´s Pitch and Publish café is open to everyone interested!

Innolab 27sept

Welcome to the first Café session!

We meet up at University of Vaasa campus, building Fabriikki, 1st floor - room F118 @ 12.00

In the first café session of the Pitch and Publish Café by InnoLab there will be an introduction to the theme:

  • Why should researchers publish?
  • How do you improve your skills in publishing?
  • Do you know how to pitch your research?
  • What should you do to improve these skills?


Please sign up for the event due to practical arrangements and coffee: https://www.lyyti.in/TOFO4051_Pitch_and_Publish_3664

The Pitch and Publish Café opens its doors every month.