The Doctoral Programme in Business Studies is a new member of EDAMBA

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The Doctoral Programme in Business Studies at the University of Vaasa has been accepted as a member of the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA). EDAMBA currently operates in 26 countries.
Jäsenyys EDAMBA:ssa on kiinnostava mahdollisuus myös jatko-opiskelijoille. He voivat esimerkiksi osallistua EDAMBA:n vuosittaiseen väitöskirjakilpailuun.

– This is an important recognition of the quality of our doctoral programme, says head of the Doctoral Programme in Business Studies, professor Jorma Larimo.

According to EDAMBA’s appraisal, the University of Vaasa’s Doctoral Programme in Business studies is well run and offers relevant courses and support to the doctoral students. The programme is well structured. Also the students perceive the programme as well-run and having a good opportunity for research training. The programme is also able to attract a good number of foreign students.

EDAMBA’s mission is to develop common ideas, values, evaluation criteria, standards and practices to assess and enhance the quality of doctoral education, through the exchange of experiences and cooperation in a global network.

University’s doctoral students are offered possibilities to take part in EDAMBA activies – such as Summer Academies or annual Thesis Competitions.

EDAMBA is an association managed by the EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management).

EDAMBA’s web site:

More information: Professor Jorma Larimo, University of Vaasa, tel. +358 449 8464 e-mail: Jorma.larimo(at)

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