Anniversary celebrations
The anniversary celebration of the University of Vaasa will be held this year as a remote event. You can follow the event at
13.00 Opening words
Rector Jari Kuusisto
13.10 Greetings from the Student Union
Chair of the Executive board Sara Alasuutari
13.20 Meet our new professor (in English)
Marcelo Godoy Simões / Professor, Electrical Energy Engineering, Especially Flexible and Smart Power Systems
13.30 Awards
13.50 Presentation: Skellefteå won the battle for Europe's largest battery factory – how did it happen? (in English)
Senior Analyst Jörgen Lithander, The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis
14.20 Comment speech (in English)
Professor Tomas Kåberger, Chalmers University of Technology, a member of the University of Vaasa Scientific Board
14.45 Closing comments by host