Updated 23.1.2022 | 11:30

Anniversary celebrations

Thu 27.1.2022 | 13:00 - 15:00


The anniversary celebration of the University of Vaasa will be held this year as a remote event. You can follow the event at www.uwasa.fi/fi/vuosipaivajuhla. 

13.00 Opening words
Rector Jari Kuusisto

13.10 Greetings from the Student Union
Chair of the Executive board Sara Alasuutari

13.20 Meet our new professor (in English)
Marcelo Godoy Simões / Professor, Electrical Energy Engineering, Especially Flexible and Smart Power Systems

13.30 Awards

13.50 Presentation: Skellefteå won the battle for Europe's largest battery factory – how did it happen? (in English)
Senior Analyst Jörgen Lithander, The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

14.20 Comment speech (in English)
Professor Tomas Kåberger, Chalmers University of Technology, a member of the University of Vaasa Scientific Board

14.45 Closing comments by host