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The University of Vaasa takes all violations, abuses and other inappropriate activities seriously. The aim of our ethical guidelines, policies and other instructions is to ensure that the University of Vaasa, its employees and students operate in accordance with our policies in all situations. To achieve this, we want to enable the giving of feedback on our activities through various channels, including the University of Vaasa Whistleblowing Channel.
If a university employee or a person otherwise dealing with the University on behalf of their work duties has in their work or in connection with it received information about activities that violate the legislation and suspects abuse, we want to know about it. In matters related to the national act on the protection of reporters that implements the so-called Whistleblower Directive, you can report matters through the University of Vaasa Whistleblowing Channel.
The Whistleblowing Channel allows you to report a suspected offence, violation or abuse related to the University's activities in a safe and confidential manner. The identity of the whistleblower working through the whistleblower protection channel is strongly protected throughout the process. However, a general prerequisite for whistleblower protection is that the reporter has a justified reason to believe that the information on the violation is accurate at the time of reporting and that such information falls within the scope of the Act. If you are not sure whether the suspected abuse involves the activities of the University or another organisation, you can submit a notification to the centralised reporting channel of the Chancellor of Justice.
The Whistleblowing Channel can be used for reporting suspected abuse in matters specified below under the national act on the protection of reporters (1171/2022) that implements the so-called Whistleblower Directive. The purpose of the legislation on whistleblower protection is to ensure that a person who, in the course of their work, detects or suspects activities contrary to the public interest in specified areas of EU law can report the matter safely without fear of any possible consequences for them as a result of the report.
Notifications must be made using your own name and in good faith. So please note that you should enter your name to “more detailed information” as this is a condition for processing the notification under the procedure provided for by the act on the protection of reporters.
Reports are only processed by separately appointed, independent persons who, as representatives of the university, have a duty of professional secrecy and duty to protect the whistleblower. Topics for which you can report suspected abuse at the University of Vaasa through this channel are as follows:
The Whistleblowing Channel is not intended for, for example, billing, processing disputes over conditions of employment, or providing customer/supplier feedback on terms of contract. Deliberate false reports are prohibited and may lead to legal consequences. For suggestions on the improvement of activities of the university, you can use the University of Vaasa Idea Channel.
Although whistleblower protection also applies to suspected violations and abuses, whistleblower protection is not provided for whistleblowing that is meant to harm – therefore, whistleblower protection only applies to reports made in good faith. The notifier may be liable for damages if a falsified report causes harm to the subject of the report or the university. However, the reporter's liability for damages is always limited to deliberate action in which the reporter has reported or disclosed false or misleading information for the purpose of damages. The protection of the reporter as described above also applies to the person who assisted the reporter or to any person who has close contact with the reporter.
The University of Vaasa will investigate all reports made through the Whistleblowing Channel regardless of, for example, whether the notification category chosen on the report is correct or not. In case of reports made anonymously or by a student, a grant-funded researcher or someone else that falls outside the scope of application, the act on the protection of reporters shall not apply, including the related deadlines. Such reports will be examined following the applicable rules and practices of the University of Vaasa in the case in question. All reports are handled confidentially and examined in accordance with the usual disqualification practice of the university.