Updated 7.10.2020 | 23:10

Dissertation: Beatrice Obule-Abila (Industrial Management)

Wed 14.10.2020 | 12:00 - 12:00

Online defence, University of Vaasa

The public examination of M.Sc. Beatrice Obule-Abila’s doctoral dissertation ”Knowledge management approach for sustainable waste management: Evolving a conceptual framework” will be held on Wednesday 14 October 2020 at 12

The public examination will be organized online: https://uwasa.zoom.us/j/62582796222?pwd=ZTBJaUZmZzA3bk5nQmdQOW9HVlNsZz09 (Password: 091232).

The field of dissertation is Industrial Management. Professor Rodrigo Lozano (University of Gävle) will act as an opponent and Professor Petri Helo as a custos.

The dissertation is available online in Osuva publications archive starting 2 October 2020:  http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-476-923-5