Updated 3.12.2021 | 07:51

Dissertation: Hafiz Haq (Energy technology)

Fri 17.12.2021 | 12:00 - 15:00

Online, Zoom

The public examination of DI Hafiz Haq’s doctoral dissertation "Modelling a sustainable industrial ecosystem" will be held on Friday 17 December at 12 at the University of Vaasa.

The defence will be organised online: https://uwasa.zoom.us/j/68494851287?pwd=UUhPZzQrSUdjZ3ZJVFUwSzNoZFZQdz09

Password: 533437

Prof. Risto Lahdelma (Aalto University) will act as an opponent and PhD Erkki Hiltunen as custos.

The public display “nailing” will be held on Tuesday 7 December 2021 at 13.00 (Tervahovi). After that the dissertation is available online in Osuva publications archive: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-476-999-0