Updated 24.8.2021 | 18:03

Dissertation: Isau Ganiyu (Marketing)

Thu 17.3.2016 | 14:00 - 17:00

The public examination of M.Sc. Isau Ganiyu’s doctoral dissertation “Host-society uncertainty and risk management in Nigeria: Nordic project marketers’ sensemaking under examination” will be held on Thursday 17 March at 14 o´clock in auditorium Nissi (K218, Tritonia). The field of dissertation is marketing.

PhD Richard Owusu (Linnaeus University, Sweden) will act as opponent and professor Martti Laaksonen as custos. The examination will be held in English.

Public display (“nailing”) will be held on Monday 7 March at 13.00 o’clock (Tervahovi). After that the dissertation is available at the information desk (Tervahovi).