Updated 20.9.2024 | 11:09

Dissertation: Mahmoud Elsanhoury (Telecommunication engineering)

Thu 3.10.2024 | 12:00 - 15:00

University of Vaasa, Ankkuri, auditorium Nissi & online

The public examination of M.Sc. Mahmoud Elsanhoury’s doctoral dissertation ”Towards Precision Positioning For Smart Logistics Using Ultra Wide-Band Systems and LEO Satellite-Based Technologies” will be held on Thursday 3 October 2024 at 12 at the University of Vaasa, Auditorium Nissi.

It is possible to participate in the defence also onlinehttps://uwasa.zoom.us/j/65072607632?pwd=RKqCOKsdDMQkp6lCAX0rTPu72uonQL.1, password: 440699

Professor Jari Nurmi (Tampere University) and Professor Simo Särkkä (Aalto University) will act as opponents and Professor Mohammed Elmusrati as custos. 

The public display “nailing” will be held on Monday 23 September 2024 at 13.00 (Tervahovi). After that, the dissertation will be available online in Osuva publications archive.