Updated 22.5.2023 | 12:05

Dissertation: Marika Tammeaid (Social and health management)

Fri 26.5.2023 | 12:00 - 15:00

University of Vaasa, Fabriikki, F118
Wolffintie 32
65200 Vaasa

The public examination of M.Soc.Sc. Marika Tammeaid’s doctoral dissertation “Public sector leadership meta-skills” will be held on Friday 26 May 2023 at noon at the University of Vaasa, F118.

It is also possible to follow the event remotely: Zoom, password: 107889

Professor Caspar van den Berg (Universiteit Leiden) will act as an opponent and Professor Harri Jalonen as custos.

The dissertation will be available online in Osuva publications archive on Tuesday 16 May 2023 and it will be put on public display in Tervahovi on that day by the administration.