Niranjan Sapkota väitöksen naulaus
Updated 10.10.2022 | 17:19

Dissertation: Niranjan Sapkota (Finance)

Fri 14.10.2022 | 12:00 - 15:00

University of Vaasa, Tervahovi, Auditorium Kurtén & online

The public examination of M.Sc. Niranjan Sapkota’s doctoral dissertation ”Essays on the New Blockchain-Based Digital Financial Market: Risks and Opportunities” will be held on Friday 14.10.2022 at noon at the University of Vaasa, auditorium Kurtén.

It is possible to follow the defence also online (Zoom, password: 033797)
Professor John Paul Broussard (University of Oklahoma) will act as an opponent and Professor Timo Rothovius as custos.

The public display “nailing” will be held on Tuesday 4 October 2022 at 12.00 (Tervahovi). After that, the dissertation is available online in Osuva publications archive.