Updated 11.5.2021 | 22:05

Dissertation: Päivi Kujala (Regional Science)

Fri 21.5.2021 | 12:00 - 15:00

Online defence, University of Vaasa

The public examination of M.Sc. Päivi Kujala’s doctoral dissertation Kohti mahdollistavaa maaseutuhallintoa. Yrittäjyyden edistäminen Euroopan unionin maaseutupolitiikassa” will be held on Friday 21th May 2021 at noon. The public examination will be organised online: 

Meeting URL: https://uwasa.zoom.us/j/62748454861?pwd=K1I0VytEWktpb01yd1NKUk9YcjlhZz09
Passcode: 043454

The field of dissertation is Regional Studies. The public defence will be held in Finnish.

Professor Hilkka Vihinen (LUKE) will act as opponent and Professor Seija Virkkala as a custos.

The dissertation is available online in Osuva publications archive starting 11th of May 2021:  http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-476-954-9