Updated 9.12.2021 | 14:12

Dissertation: Petra Lyly (Business Law)

Wed 15.12.2021 | 12:00 - 15:00

Auditorium Nissi, Tritonia & online (Zoom)

The public examination of M.Sc. Petra Lyly’s doctoral dissertation ”Kodin verotuet – tavoite, normi ja vaikutus” will be held on Wednesday 15.12.2021 at 12 at the University of Vaasa, auditorium Nissi.

Participation for the event is also possible online: https://uwasa.zoom.us/j/63817078294?pwd=akVLcXcrOFRxcG90YnZEcU5LYWNVdz09

Professor (emeritus) Esko Linnakangas (University of Helsinki) will act as an opponent and Professor Juha Lindgren as custos. The defence will be held in Finnish.

The public display ("nailing") will be held on Thursday 2.12.2021 at 12.00 (Tervahovi). After that, the dissertation is available online in Osuva publications archive: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-476-997-6

At all public events held indoors at the university, such as public examinations of doctoral dissertations, a COVID-19 passport is required of outside participants over the age of 16. This does not apply to our staff. Read further instructions on the university's website.