Updated 20.12.2021 | 15:50

The Kvarken Space Economy project organises a space themed info day

Tue 18.1.2022 | 10:00 - 12:00



The University of Vaasa and Kvarken Space Economy EU Interreg Botnia-Atlantica project partners organise together with business incubation centres ESA BIC Finland and ESA BIC Sweden an info day on Tuesday 18. January 2022 at 10–12 online.

The event includes

  • The Kvarken Space Economy team presents their ongoing project
  • The ESA BIC incubator centres provide information on available funding
  • Networking
  • Discussion about the Kvarken New Space ecosystem

As part of the Kvarken Space Economy project, the aim is to bring companies and organisations located in the Kvarken area together in the space theme. Jari Ratilainen (Vaasa University of Applied Sciences) and Tomas Blomquist (Umeå University) are the leaders of WP1 of the project, which focuses on building a New Space ecosystem to the Kvarken area.

The event is open for start-ups, companies, students, researchers and public & research organisations.

Register before 17.1.2022 in Webropol:https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/E8F777F12CF7399D

Additional information

KvarkenSpaceEconomy website