Updated 7.4.2022 | 09:17

Mental Health Day’s Campus Rally

Wed 13.4.2022 | 11:00 - 15:00


Get to know the University campus and the different organizations operating within our student community! On Wednesday 13.4. we are organizing a Campus Rally.

Campus Rally is a low-threshold event that you can attend either alone or in a group. Visit different points and collect stamps on the Campus Rally pass. Collect 8 stamps and you will be entered into a raffle!

Included in the crossroads: FSHS, VOAS, University Chaplain, Study Counsellors, Study Psychologist, Mikä neuvoksi project, TEK, VESO, VYY x T-team, University Sports Services, VORU - Vaasan Opiskelevat Reserviupseerit ry, Warrantti, Tutti, CoMedia, and Hallinnoijat.

See more accurate program at VYY´s FB event Mielenterveyspäivän rastirata / Mental Health Day’s Campus Rally.

We follow officials' guidelines when organizing the event. Please remember to take care of your own hand hygiene and wear a mask. Please don't attend the event if you feel sick or have any kind of symptoms.