Updated 9.9.2021 | 15:05

NASA’S International Space Apps Challenge 2021 (Vaasa)

Sat 2.10.2021 | 09:00 - Sun 3.10.2021 | 23:59


NASA’S International Space Apps Challenge 2021

Nasa’s International Space Apps Challenge Hackathon will be arranged by Design Centre MUOVA | Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and the KvarkenSpaceEco EU BA project in October 2nd -3rd.

Time: October 2-3, 2021
Place: This year Space Apps hackathon will be all virtual and online!

Participation is free.

Registration is open at >> https://2021.spaceappschallenge.org/locations/vaasa/


Make inventive solutions to real-world challenges using actual data from space.

Experience, experiment and explore.
Welcome to the sixth consecutive Space Apps Vaasa event. We are looking for students, problem-solvers, engineers, business people, artists, coders, designers and makers to join the event.

Who should participate in Space Apps?
All are welcome to Space Apps. The common thread among Space Apps participants is that you are interested in space science and exploration, you are creative, and you want to solve problems. Space Apps also inspires collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.

NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge
Space Apps is an international hackathon, where teams engage with NASA’s free and open data to address real-world problems on Earth and in space. Space Apps 2018 included over 18,000 participants at more than 200 events in 75 countries.

Since its inception in 2012, NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge has engaged 150,000+ people from 150+ countries in using NASA’s open data to build innovative solutions to challenges we face on Earth and in space.
To mark the tenth annual Space Apps, NASA is collaborating with nine international space agency partners to bring the largest annual global hackathon in the world to even more communities!
NASA welcomes the Australian Space Agency, Brazilian Space Agency, Canadian Space Agency, European Space Agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, National Space Activities Commission of Argentina, National Space Science Agency of Bahrain, Paraguayan Space Agency, and South African National Space Agency to the Space Apps 2021 family.

Space Apps in a NASA incubator innovation program.
Space Apps is managed by the Earth Science Division, Science Mission Directorate, at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. It is organized in collaboration with Booz Allen Hamilton, Mindgrub, SecondMuse, and the NASA Open Innovation Applied Sciences Program.
Read more: https://www.spaceappschallenge.org/ 

The Vaasa event is organized  as a part of
EU Interreg BA KvarkenSpaceEco project
