The Nordic Business Forum will be organised in Helsinki 26th and 27th September. You can follow the LIVE stream at the University of Vaasa in Nissi, Tritonia. Welcome all the students, staff members and everybody interested.

The main speaker of the event is the former president of the United States Barack Obama.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Timezone: EEST – Eastern European Summer Time, UTC +03:00

11:45 Welcoming words from the Live Stream Studio with Gary Hamel, Professor, London Business School and Director, Management Lab

General program
12:00 Aswath Damodaran – Laws of Valuation: Revealing the Myths and Misconceptions
12:50 James Hewitt – The Key to Sustainable High Performance
13:10 Susan Cain – Quiet: How to Harness the Strengths of Introverts to Change How We Work, Lead, and Innovate

Break and interviews from VA & HS Studio
14:03 – 14:18 Susan Cain, Author, Co-Founder, Quiet Revolution
14:18 – 14:33 James Hewitt, Chief Innovation Officer at Hintsa Performance, Performance Scientist
14:33 – 14:50 Aswath Damodaran, Professor at the Stern School of Business

General program
14:55 Gary Hamel – Building an “Evolutionary Advantage”
16:05 Amy Cuddy – Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

Break and interviews from VA & HS Studio
16:50 – 17:05 Amy Cuddy, Author, Social Psychologist
17:05 – 17:15 Reetta Rajala, CEO, CCEA
17:15 – 17:30 John Mackey, Co-Founder & CEO, Whole Foods Market

General program
17:35 John Mackey – Conscious Capitalism: How Purpose Can Affect Stakeholder Integration, Leadership, and Culture
18:30 Marcus Buckingham – Find Your Edge, Win at Work

Closing interviews from VA & HS Studio
19:27 – 19:37 Ola Ahlvarsson, Entrepreneur, Changemaker, Co-Founder Epicenter and Sime
19:37 – 19:52 Marcus Buckingham, Founder of the Strengths Revolution, Researcher of People + Performance, and Best-Selling Author
19:50 End of day 1 live stream broadcast

Thursday September 27, 2018

General program
10:00 Don Tapscott – Principles For Business Success in the Digital Age
11:00 Andrew McAfee – How AI Changes the Way Companies Perform

Break and interviews from VA & HS Studio
12:05 – 12:20 Andrew McAfee, Author, Co-Founder of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
12:20 – 12:35 Timo Rein, Co-Founder and CEO, Pipedrive
12:35 – 12:50 Patrik Borg, Research and Development Director, Aava
12:50 – 13:10 Don Tapscott, Media Theorist and Author
13:10 – 13:25 Steven Kotler, Author, Co-Founder of the Flow Genome Project, leading expert on Ultimate Human Performance

General program
13:30 Niklas Zennström – A Conversation on AI, Technology and Scaling from Europe
14:10 Lindsey Vonn – Moderated discussion on Peak Performance, Winning, and Coming Back
14:40 Steven Kotler – Climbing Mount Bold: How Companies Can Level-Up Their Game Like Never Before with Accelerating Technology and the Power of the Crowd

Break and interviews from VA & HS Studio
15:30 – 15:45 Ricardo Vargas, Executive Director, Brightline Initiative
15:45 – 16:00 Risto Siilasmaa, Chairman, Nokia and F-Secure
16:00 – 16:15 Lindsey Vonn, Olympic Gold Medalist, Alpine Skiing & Founder of the Lindsey Vonn Foundation

General program
16:20 President Barack ObamaA Conversation with President Barack Obama

Closing interviews from VA & HS Studio
17:33 – 17:45 Ilkka Paananen, Co-Founder & CEO, Supercell
17:45 – 18:00 Niklas Zennström, Founding Partner and CEO of Atomico and Co-Founder of Skype
18:00 End of live stream broadcast from NBForum 2018