Updated 28.2.2022 | 11:10

Nyyti´s chat: Concerns and fears caused by the war in Ukraine

Tue 1.3.2022 | 18:00 - 20:00


Does the war in Ukraine raise worries and fears in you?

It is understandable to feel different feelings, worries and fears. All of these are worth addressing. Concerns, feelings, and fears should not be pushed aside or repressed. It is important to talk about our feelings and thoughts with each other’s.

How to deal with the feelings, fears and concerns caused by the war? Talking and sharing with others help. Come to the Concerns and fears caused by the war in Ukraine chat and discuss with other students. You don’t have to be alone!

Nyyti’s Chat is a place for sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences. This group chat is meant for all students and chats will cover subjects surrounding issues that affect student’s daily lives. Chats are also anonymous and free of charge. There will always be Nyyti’s volunteers or employees at the chat with you. Remember to behave according to the priciples for a safer space.

Feel free to come along, don’t worry about spelling or fluency – the most important thing is to be involved!