Updated 4.4.2023 | 15:04

Powered by blockchain: Education Day

Thu 13.4.2023 | 12:00 - 16:00

University of Vaasa, Fabriikki, F140

The Powered by Blockchain project is pleased to offer a cutting-edge educational seminar for companies interested in learning about the revolutionary potential of blockchain technology. By utilizing blockchain, data can be stored securely, transparently, and efficiently, offering increased trust and effectiveness in a variety of industries.

On April 13th, 2023, the University of Vaasa will host this exciting event in the Fabriikki building F140, featuring presentations from world-class experts in the field. Assistant Professors Khuram Shahzad and Ahm Shamsuzzoha will cover the basics of blockchain, focusing on their crucial role in supply chain management. Additionally, Post-Doctoral Researcher Niranjan Sapkota and Senior Researcher Anupam Dutta will discuss how blockchain is transforming the finance industry, revealing new investment opportunities, financing strategies, and trading innovations.

After these insightful presentations, attendees will engage in a workshop led by project Researcher Essi Nousiainen. Small group discussions and brainstorming will provide a guided opportunity for participants to explore the topics presented throughout the day, concluding with a brief Q&A session.

– This seminar will provide attendees with a deep understanding of the technology and its applications, as well as insights into how it can be used to drive innovation and growth in their own organizations, says Powered by Blockchain project manager Tomi Salo.

This unique seminar offers an opportunity for companies to gain hands-on training and expert guidance on the latest developments in blockchain technology and its practical applications.

Please note that participating in the training is defined by the project financier to be de minimis-support for companies with a value of 107€/participant. Reporting forms will be provided by email.

For more information, please contact Vaiva Stanisauskaite at


Presentations are in English

Time Program Speakers
12.00 Welcoming words

Project coordinator Tomi Salo

12.10 Blockchain in supply chain management

Assistant Professor Khuram Shahzad

Assistant Professor Ahm Shamsuzzoha

13.00 Unleashing the Power of Blockchain in Finance: A Quick Overview on the Investment Opportunities, Financing Strategies, Trading Innovations, and Beyond.

Post-Doctoral Researcher Niranjan Sapkota

Senior Researcher Anupam Dutta


Coffee break



Workshop on opportunities and challenges of blockchain applications

Project Researcher Essi Nousiainen
