The annual income limits as regards student financial aid increased by 25 percent for next year

The income limits as regards student financial aid will be temporarily increased by 25 percent for 2022. Students who get financial aid for nine months can in 2022 earn about 3,000 euros more than in 2021 without exceeding the annual income limit.
In 2022 the annual income limit is calculated on the basis that for each month for which the student receives financial aid, the income limit is 870 euros and for each aid-free month 2,600 euros. The income may be earned at any time during the calendar year as long as it does not exceed the annual income limit.
The higher annual income limits only concern student financial aid granted for 2022. It is possible that the annual income limits will be lowered for 2023.
The increase in income limits only concerns student financial aid. For instance the income limits as regards general housing allowance will only be increased by about 2 percent.
The legislative amendment has been approved by Parliament and is currently awaiting confirmation by the President.
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