Application for Exchange Studies in 2023-2024

Main application round for exchange studies in academic year 2023-2024 is 5.12.2022 - 15.1.2023. In Main application you can apply to all University of Vaasa exchange destinations around the world.

University of Vaasa has wide international networks you can benefit from by spending a semester or academic year abroad studying at our partner university. Exchange studies add to the value of your degree by giving you new experiences, language skills and international contacts.

Main application is open 5.12.2022 - 15.1.2023 and includes all exchange destinations (Erasmus, Nordplus, Double Degree, Bilateral destinations).

Complementary application is open 22.2.2023 - 7.3.2023. In Complementary application you can apply to destinations left over from Main application. Students will be informed on Complementary application and related info events closer to the dates.

In these application rounds you can apply for exchange in autumn semester 2023, spring semester 2024 or whole academic year 2023-2024.

You are welcome to join Info events (on Zoom) for Main application in December/ January to hear more about exchange opportunities and application process.

Info events

  • Thu 8.12.2022 at 9.00-10.00 (in Finnish)
  • Tue 13.12.2022 at 14.00-15.00 (in English)
  • Tue 10.1.2023 at 9.00-10.00 (in Finnish)
  • Wed 11.1.2023 at 15.00-16.00 (in English)

At an Info Event you will get a presentation of exchange destinations in Main application and instructions for applying for exchange.

Drop-in events

  • Thu 15.12.2022 at 11.00-12.00 (in English/ Finnish)
  • Thu 12.1.2023 at 11.00-12.00 (in English/ Finnish)

Drop-in info events are for you to come and ask your own questions about applying for exchange.

You will get Zoom links to info events by signing in a Moodle course Exchange Studies 23/24 with course key ACAMIC23.

For information on Exchange Studies and Exchange destinations, visit Students website > Studies > Internationalisation and student exchange > Student Exchange

For Application instructions and selection criteria,visit Students website > Studies > Internationalisation and student exchange > Exchange Process > Application

For more information on applying for exchange, please contact Mobility Services at

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