Application period to become an international tutor is still open

Hae kansainväliseksi tutoriksi - Apply to become an international tutor
The autumn exchange students at our university need you! Otherwise they will never taste salmiakki, know how to use sauna, or learn what akateeminen vartti is.

Help us to make the international students’ experience in Vaasa unforgettable. As an international tutor with International Mobility Services, you will be allowed to plan your own activities and run events with support of the tutor group as well as the International Mobility Services. Additionally, you will get many new couches to crash on during your next trip around Europe and world.

The application period to be international tutor is open until Sunday 03.04.2022.

Apply by filling out the application.

More information on our webpageInternationalisation at Home where you can find information on the tutor’s tasks and the application form.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the International Mobility Services via email

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