Apply to FITech studies for the Spring

Uutisen oletuskuva
FITech Network University offers a lot of minor studies and courses for spring 2021. Application period for spring courses is now open!
FITech_the missing piece

Degree students at University of Vaasa have the possibility to study at another FITech university and include courses from other universities into their degrees. FITech universities are Aalto University, University of Jyväskylä, LUT University, Tampere University, University of Vaasa, University of Oulu, University of Turku and Åbo Akademi.

FITech offers courses for instance in marine technology, materials engineering and in project management. There are plenty of options to study online. All courses are free of charge.

Check out the courses and apply now at FITech's website!

Some FITech courses are arranged by our university! Then you enroll in WebOodi.

Exhaust and flue gas after-treatment technologies, ENERFT3130, 5 ECTS is organized 7.1.-12.2. and Present and Future Prospects in Energy Technology, FYSIFT3100, 5 ECTS 22.2.-9.4.

The latter is suitable also for students from other fields, if you want to learn about Wind energy, Solar energy, Geoenergy, and Bioenergy, and have basic knowledge in Physics and Chemistry!

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