Asian Programme and Mini Major in Asian Studiesen

The Asian Programme is arranged on the Internet, in the Moodle learning environment. The courses consist of lecture presentations, literature exams, web assignments and essays.
The Asian Programme has a new structure starting from January 2015. To get the Asian Programme Basic Studies minor choose at least three (3) basic studies courses and additional basic or advanced level courses to get a minimum of 25 ECTS.
Asian Programme Basic Studies Courses:
- Contemporary East Asia (6 ECTS) (spring term 2015)
- Contemporary Southeast Asia (5 ECTS) (spring term 2015)
- Contemporary South Asia (5 ECTS) (spring term 2015)
- Culture in East and Southeast Asia (6 ECTS) (autumn term 2015)
- Business in East and Southeast Asia (6 ECTS) (autumn term 2015)
See the list of possible advanced level courses from our website
If you cannot fit the Asian Programme into your degree, see our new 10 ECTS Mini Minor in Asian Studies from our website
The application period for all the courses is 1-30.9.2014. The application form and guidelines will be announced on our website.
The courses are free for all students who hold a valid study right in one of the University Network's member universities. Member universities are: Aalto University, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Universities of Jyväskylä, Oulu, Tampere, Turku and Vaasa and the Åbo Akademi University.
Mini Minor in Asian Studies 10 ECTS
The Mini Minor in Asian Studies is designed for students who prefer to include a small minor (10 ECTS) in Asian Studies in their degree. It provides a possibility to gain advanced knowledge of a specific theme or a region. The courses are coordinated by the University Network for Asian Studies. Mini Minor starts in January 2015.
The Mini Minor is arranged on the Internet, in the Moodle learning environment. The courses consist of lecture presentations, literature exams, web assignments and essays. Each module consists of one basic level course and one or two advanced level courses.
The Mini Minor modules are:
- Contemporary East Asia
- Contemporary South Asia
- Contemporary Southeast Asia
- Culture in East and Southeast Asia
- Business in East and Southeast Asia
Read more about the courses at
Application period to the Mini Minor is organized two times a year in September (1.-30.9.2014) and in November (10-23.11.2914) for all courses starting in spring term 2015. The application form and guidelines will be announced on the
The courses are free for all students who hold a valid study right in one of the University Network's member universities. Member universities are: Aalto University, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Universities of Jyväskylä, Oulu, Tampere, Turku and Vaasa and the Åbo Akademi University.
For more information, please contact:
Silja Keva, University Teacher
University Network for Asian Studies
20014 University of Turku
02-333 8897,