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In addition to the number of scientific publications, the report analyses the state of scientific research using the top 10 index, which examines the scientific publications ranked in the top 10 per cent of a given discipline in relation to the number of citations those publications have received worldwide. The latest data contained in the report cover publications from 2012–2015 and the citations they had gained by the end of 2017.
According to the report, Finland’s top 10 index has continued to improve and for publications between 2012-2015, Finland’s top 10 index value is 1.12. The world average is 1. All but one of the 16 scientific disciplines in Finland had a top 10 index value of 1 or over, compared to only 7 disciplines ten years ago in the period 2002-2005.
The discipline with the highest top 10 index was business studies and economics. This discipline has seen a remarkable rise from a top 10 index value of 0.65 for the period 2002-2005 to 1.35 for the period 2012-2015. This rise is also reflected in the significant increase in publications from 364 in 2002-2005 to 1,317 in 2012-2015.
In terms of scientific publications in business studies and economics, the report also reveals that for the period 2012-2015, the University of Vaasa is the second largest contributor (107), together with the Hanken School of Economics. Aalto University is the leading contributor.
"Business studies and Economics represent the international top level of Finnish science, which we can be proud of. The good development also motivates University of Vaasa researchers towards even better achievements", says Rector Jari Kuusisto.
Jari Kuusisto, Rector, University of Vaasa, tel +358 29 449 8291