A busy year of campus development – Renovation of Luotsi in full swing

Kampus talvella
The past year has been significant for the campus development project in many ways. The plans for the project were specified by the summer and could be implemented in early autumn.

Construction work on the campus has progressed at an accelerating pace towards the end of the year. The most prominent steps have been related to the Luotsi building, where demolition and priming work is currently being carried out. The Luotsi building renovation started in October. The building will be completely renovated and an additional wing will be built.

The second phase of the renovation of the auditorium Levón is also almost complete, and the hall has been partially in use since the beginning of the autumn. The biggest changes are related to the technology and the edges of the hall where landings were built. They will allow more versatile and efficient use of the auditorium.

“The hall will be finished at the beginning of next year when the furniture for the side landings will arrive in early January”, says Anne-Mari Vatunen, vice-director of Campus Services.

During the coming year, the work on campus will continue with the next phase of the Tritonia building. The renovation of the Tritonia building is estimated to begin in August 2022. The last step is to turn Tervahovi into a student house.

Involvement has been at the centre of campus development from the beginning. Over the past year, several working groups to which any of the staff or students may have joined have been involved in the development. In the spring, students were also given opportunities to influence at events, such as surveys and workshops. Information and feedback from staff and students will be extensively utilised in planning the campus.

We will tell you about the following steps next time next year.

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