Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič: Energy Union needs support from citizens and industry

Uutisen oletuskuva
European Commission Vice president Maroš Šefčovič spoke today at the University of Vaasa about the Energy Union and climate policy in the EU. The open event for students and citizens was part of the Growth Caravan Tour, which aims to promote discussion and highlight EU issues in Finland's various regions.
Vaasan yliopistolla Euroopan komission varapuheenjohtajaa Maroš Šefčovičia oli vastassa ma. rehtori Jari Kuusisto.

Vice president Maroš Šefčovič is in charge of Energy Union, which is the a project of the European Commission to coordinate the transformation of European energy supply.

In his speech he said Energy Union needs the support of EU citizens and companies.

– Energy union can't be built in Brussels, but it has to be built here in Finland, in Vaasa and in Helsinki, in Slovakia and in Czech Republic, in all EU countries, said Šefčovič.

He spoke highly of Finland. He mentioned that Finland is one of the few EU countries that are on track with the climate targets.

– Energy Union can enchance these good results Finland has achived and can bring new positive development to your country.

Vaasa was a natural stop on his tour of Finland, since Vaasa is the largest energy cluster in the Nordic countries.

Šefčovič referred to for example the smart grids projects in Vaasa.

– The smart grids could be European shale gas, he said.

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