Declaration of the University of Vaasa and VYY: The Finnish government should propose measures ...

Uutisen oletuskuva
Vaasa is a major university town with over 12 000 students. For many of these students train connections are indispensable. It is necessary for the competitiveness of Vaasa University that Vaasa is easily accessible with public transport. This means that there should be wide train connections also very early in the morning and also in the evening.
Suurelle osalle Vaasan yliopiston opiskelijoista juna on välttämätön kulkuväline.

VR's plans to cut train shifts between Seinäjoki and Vaasa and the plans of VR and ministry of Transport and Communications to close passanger train traffic between Seinäjoki and Jyväskylä will dramatically weaken connections to Vaasa and threaten Vaasa as a student town.

These plans are harmful in the point of view of the University of Vaasa. VR is a state company, so it should promote - not harm the development of the different areas in Finland.

Students, teachers, researchers and the management of the University of Vaasa ask now from Juha Sipilä's government: Will it just silently stand by and watch when VR is weakening the Finnish regions.

Speeches of decentralized competitiveness and trial society shouldn't be just hollow phrases. If VR can't solve this problem, we expect the Finnish government to give policy proposals of alternative measures which would secure public transport.

Jari Kuusisto, interim rector, University of Vaasa
Mikko Martikkala, chairman of the board, Student Union of the University of Vaasa (VYY)

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