Dissertation: Interference Mitigation Using Group Decoding in Multiantenna Systems

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Omar Abu-Ellan studies the interference mitigation using group decoding in multiantenna systems. Field of the study is telecommunications engineering.
(kuva/picture: flickrcc)

The rapid growth of wireless communication systems and the continuing demand for higher data rate and better performance have made the deployment of an efficient interference mitigation strategy an inevitable necessity in every current or future communication system.

Abu-Ella has studied the use of successive group decoding techniques to mitigate interference and improve the performance of multiantenna systems.

– I have extensively investigated the opportunities, proposed new systems, and discussed the advantages as well as the challenges of employing such approaches in several communication systems and for different wireless environments, Abu-Ella explains.

The results show that the explored successive group decoding schemes along with the multiantenna systems have potentially improved the energy and spectral efficiency, allowing for more flexible mobility in wireless communication systems. According to the research, they can be considered as promising technologies for the next-generation networks.

Public defence

The public examination of M.Sc. Omar Abu-Ella doctoral dissertation “Interference Mitigation Using Group Decoding for the Next Generation Networks” is on Friday 17th October at 15 o´clock in auditorium Kurtén (Tervahovi). Professor Markku Juntti from the University of Oulu will act as opponent and Professor Mohammed Elmusrati as a custos.

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