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"One of the biggest challenges the world is facing right now is how to transit towards a sustainable energy future. Renewable energy sources have the potential to meet future energy needs in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. However, despite the huge potential and the technological advancements of the recent past, the share of renewable energy technologies in the world energy mix remains insignificant. The widespread diffusion of renewable energy technologies is affected by how these technologies are commercialized”, says M.Sc. Shah Rukh Shakeel, who will defend his doctoral dissertation on 30th October.
Shakeel’s dissertation seeks to explore how renewable energy technologies can be effectively commercialized. By looking at the cases from Finland and Pakistan, the study proposes that having a supportive policy framework, favouring environmentally friendly technologies, can help companies fostering the development and ensuring industry growth.
Universities are home to innovative ideas and creative individuals. Academic research can help companies in reducing costs, improving functionality and increasing competitiveness. The evidence suggest that collaboration between universities and industry has helped companies to ensure technologies become commercially successful.
“However, the findings of this research highlights that the collaboration between academia and industry needs to be strengthened further before it can yield desired results. The study suggests that academics working in the field of energy and environmental technologies are not active on commercialization front. This issue can be addressed by revamping the functionality of the technology transfer offices at Finnish universities, and improving the quality of their services”, says Shakeel.
The dissertation emphasizes the need for raising the level of environmental awareness, and suggests that a coherent and integrated effort should be made by all stakeholders to raise awareness concerning environmental issues.
“Energy, as a commodity, is very different from other products or services. Conventional products such as mobile phones, televisions, computers or any other products for that matter competes by highlighting their value offerings. However, in the case of energy, the end product remains the same, irrespective of whether it was produced using finite emission-generating hydrocarbons or clean and sustainable renewable energy sources. The success often depends on how consumers perceive renewables since they are the ones who have to make a final choice between the solutions”.
This research is based on and survey and interviews done with energy technology companies, regulatory bodies, private financers, governmental organizations, consumers and industry experts from Finland and Pakistan.
The public examination of M.Sc. Shah Rukh Shakeel’s doctoral dissertation “Commercialization of Renewable Energy Technologies. A study of Socio-economic, Technical and Regulatory Factors in Finland and Pakistan” will be held on Wednesday 30 October at noon in auditorium Kurtén. The field of the dissertation is Industrial Management.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bojnek (University of Primorska) will act as an opponent and professor Josu Takala as a custos.
Shah Rukh Shakeel, tel. +358 46 620 2394 ; shah.rukh.shakeel(at)
Shakeel, Shah Rukh (2019) Commercialization of Renewable Energy Technologies. A study of Socio-economic, Technical and Regulatory factors in Finland and Pakistan. Acta Wasaensia 430. Doctoral dissertation. Vaasan yliopisto. University of Vaasa.
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