Dissertation: Wicked game of regional development

The study consists of a summary and four scientific articles. In the articles the complexity based interpretation on wicked games of regional development is built and it is explained how deliberative democracy based Citizens’ Juries are suited to these kinds of games. The empirical data has been collected diversely through thematic interviews, surveys and by analyzing movies.
The results of the study implicate that the wicked game of regional development is challenging and non-linear. The key observation is the fact that the traditional leadership is not suitable in the wicked game due to its complexity. Because of this the complexity should not be repressed. The resolutions should be looked from methods that embrace complexity.
Public defence
The public examination of Lic.Sc. (Admin.) Niklas Lundström’s doctoral dissertation ”Aluekehittämisen pirullinen peli” will be held on Wednesday, 3 June at 12 o’clock at auditorium Nissi (Tritonia). Professor Sami Moisio (University of Helsinki) will act as an opponent and professor Hannu Katajamäki as a custos.