Energy Technology in English (FITech)

Enrollment to Energy technology courses (FITech)
English FITech courses in Energy technology will be arranged again next spring, probably for the last time. University of Vaasa degree students enrol to these courses quite normally in Peppi. Enrollment in open now.
ENERFT3130 Exhaust and Flue Gas After-treatment Technologies, 5 ECTS. 10.1.-18.2.2022.
FYSIFT3100 Present and future prospects in energy technology, 5 ECTS. 21.2.-15.4.2022. Spring 2022 themes are: Bioenergy, Geoenergy, Solar energy and Hydrogen.
There’s also a MOOC course Introduction to engine laboratory research ENERFT1001, 1 ECTS, that you can study non-stop on FITech MOOCs platform. Check instructions in Peppi: ENERFT1001.
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