FSHS News 17.12.2021

Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta 2022 - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022
FSHS serves students in a normal manner on weekdays during the Christmas holidays.

Most of our service units are open normally. If necessary, you can book an appointment for the nearest open FSHS service unit or use our remote services. Check the opening times for Christmas and New Year

The nationwide FSHS phone service was renewed

The system update will improve our phone service and make using our services simpler. Service numbers and hours will remain the same. Read more at the FSHS website The nationwide FSHS phone service to receive an update.

New digital nutrition service

We’ve published a new digital nutrition service. FSHS Nutrition offers coaching, podcasts, articles and a diverse range of other material you can use whenever or wherever you choose. Download FSHS Nutrition on your phone!

FSHS services during spring

FSHS services are available to you, during spring, once you have registered to as present for the spring semester, which starts 1.1.2022. Read more at website You can use FSHS services once you have registered

Note! Remember to also pay the university student´s health care fee to Kela. The payment will remain unchanged in 2022. Read more at website The health care fees for students in higher education will remain unchanged in 2022.

FSHS student panel

The FSHS student panel began its work in February 2021. The panel’s members made important contributions to issues such as improving the Self online service and finalisation of the new guide for student health meetings. The FSHS studetn panel´s year 2021

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