FSHS organises influenza vaccination days for degree students

Influenssarokotus - Influenza vaccination

Vaccination days

  • Monday 31.10.  between 12-15 
  • Tuesday  1.11. between 12-15 
  • Monday 7.11. between 12-15
  • Wednesday 7.12. between 12-15
  • A free influenza vaccine is available to anyone predisposed to severe influenza
  • You can read from this link if you are entitled to a free flu vaccination Influenza vaccine - THL
  • You get your influenza vaccination by queuing. After the vaccination you should be sitting in the waiting room for 10-15 minutes.
  • Please make sure you wear appropriate clothing when you come for the vaccination. Remember to take your ID card.
  • If you have fever you should not get the vaccination.

Please do not come to the clinic with cold symptoms!


FSHS Wolffintie 30, VAMK-building, main entrance from the back yard

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