The fundraising campaign for the University of Vaasa gains momentum

The University of Vaasa has launched a new fundraising campaign. The target of the campaign is to collect EUR 5 – 7 million of private funds for the matched funding scheme by the Finnish state. Each donated euro up to 11 million euros is matched by up to 2.5 euros by the state. A key objective with the fundraising campaign is to build long-term strategic partnerships.

The University addresses current global challenges with validand significant research. Climate change, urban living, the future of work, economic systems and communication are some of the topics we address. However, the University cannot solve these challenges alone. We invite everybody to join our campaign in order for us to create a more sustainable future and a better life for us and future generations. The fundraising supports the University’s strategy Pathways to success and thus the campaign communication is in line with the strategy.

– We want to strengthen our community and build even stronger long-term strategic partnerships with our donors. The donated funds will be used to strengthen our academic schools, multidisciplinary research platforms, innovation activities, and the modern and carbon-neutral campus that is being renewed, says Rector Jari Kuusisto.

So far the major donations for the campaign have come from Teknologiateollisuus ry 100 000 euros last month and about 20 000 euros from the local Osuuspankit already last year.

Easy on-line donations via the donation form on the campaign Web page:

Further information:
Rector Jari Kuusisto, tel. 029 449 8291
Vice-Rector Minna Martikainen, tel. 029 449 8611

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