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The Graduate School of the University of Vaasa decided to grant six Evald and Hilda Nissi Foundation’s scholarships worth 22 000 euro each. The scholarships were granted to following post-graduate students:
KTM Piia Edinger (Management), Developing Finnish Leaders’ openness to innovations – Lessons to be learned from European and American Leaders
M.Sc. Yuqigue Hao (Industrial Management), Strategic Alignment of Cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning System with Business Strategy
M.Sc. Nnamdi Oguji (Marketing), MNE’s choice for Partial and Full Acquisitions: A Case Study of Ten Finnish Multinationals
M.Sc. Salman Saleem (Marketing), Cross-Cultural Study of the Relationship between Cultural Values, Advertising Appeals and Advertising Effectiveness: The role of product category bound motivations and emotions
KTM Raija Salomaa (Management), Coaching of International Managers: Individual and organizational perspectives
M.Sc. Rayko Toshev (Industrial Management), Modelling Business Scenarios, Risk evaluation and Decision making for Electrical Grid Development
The Graduate School has granted 22 000 euro from the Vaasa University Foundation for four post-graduate students:
M.Sc. Alireza Aslani (Industrial Management), Security of Energy supply and Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies
HTM Johanna Jokisuu (Public Management), Agencification process in central government: Autonomy, Steering and Control between Ministries and Central Government Agencies
FM Maria Kvist (Languages and Communication), ”Herra Jumala, pojke” sa Ritva. Vad i Helsinki pratar du om?” Språk i samverkan i modern svensk barnliteratur på 2000-talet.
M.Sc. Omid Palizban (Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology), Optimal Control Strategy for Distributed Generation and Energy Storages in Smart Grid
The Graduate School has also granted two year research positions to following researchers:
KTM Hilpi Kangas (Management), Development and Changes in the Interpersonal Working Relationships
KTL Marika Salo (Business Law), Hyvä liiketoimintapäätös