Jakamo's team is the Alumni of the Year at the University of Vaasa

The Alumni of the Year are Jarl Matti Anttila, Timo Rossi, Jukka Vesalainen, Matti Manner, Matti Mäkelä, Anssi Uitto, Tapio Niemi, Tommi Ranta, and Aki Vainio. The choice was made by the society Vaasan yliopistoseura.
– The growth story and shared journey of Jakamo's team is a case in point of how to inspire students to entrepreneurship. The team is a great example of what the University of Vaasa represents: strong know-how, courage and innovation, says Juha Silander, the chair of the board of the society.
Jakamo has developed a collaboration platform for manufacturing companies. It enables knowledge-sharing and teamwork across organisational boundaries.
– That is why it feels natural to receive the Alumni of the Year award as a team. The University of Vaasa has a significant role in the existence of our entire company. The philosophy and DNA of Jakamo's innovation come from a pioneering organisational study conducted at the University of Vaasa, says Jarl Matti Anttila, Jakamo's chief marketing officer.
According to the society, Jakamo has highlighted the University of Vaasa and studying and working at the university in a positive tone both in the media and in their activities. Timo Rossi says that Jakamo is still connected to the University of Vaasa in several different ways.
– Our natural connection to the university is Professor Jukka Vesalainen, who is a member of the board of our company and also one of the founders of Jakamo. After graduation, some members of our team have done doctoral studies at the University of Vaasa. Jarl Matti and I have been guest lecturers at the university for several years. In addition, we have had several master's theses completed for us almost always with the best grades. I think our relationship with the university is close, diverse and beneficial to both parties, says Rossi.
Jakamo's team has a range of expertise in various fields. What are your Alumni of the Year advice for current university students?
– During your studies, it is worthwhile to study society, megatrends and phenomena and to consider their connection to the theories taught. We encourage students to pursue broad and diverse studies rather than staying narrowly within their major studies. The University of Vaasa gives the best possible starting point for this, Rossi reminds.
– You have a unique opportunity to form several lifelong friendships during your studies. It is worth taking advantage of this opportunity, concludes Anttila.
Read more about the University of Vaasa Alumni of the Year award and check out the Alumni web pages.