Jari Kuusisto appointed as the rector of the University of Vaasa 1.2.2017–31.12.2020
A crucial stage has been entered in the strategy work of the University. University’s profiling and operation based on the renewal strategy are proceeding into practice. Also the organisation structure will be reformed during the spring.
-This large renewal of the University and the development based on the new strategy requires long-term management and leadership, says the chair of the board Johnny Åkerholm.
- Suvi Ronkainen is luckily recovering fast pace, and her wide scale views on developing research are a valuable addition in our changing operational environment, Åkerholm continues.
During the spring, University of Vaasa decides the targeting of research and allocation of resources. As well as the development and relevance of education will be invested.
-We have made choices to ensure specialisation to our areas of focus. The degree education and research in languages will transfer to the University of Jyväskylä in August. Moreover, we will adapt our operations with demands of decreased state funding by different means in development and cost saving, says Rector Jari Kuusisto.
-Cost savings and fast pace of the strategy work will demand a lot from our staff. I’m confident with the future and appreciate the University staff’s good work in completion of changes, Kuusisto continues.
Further information:
Chair, the board of the University of Vaasa, Johnny Åkerholm, tel. 040 838 6079
Rector Jari Kuusisto, tel. 029 449 8291