New Common Writing Guidelines and Digital Submission, Publishing and Archiving of Theses

Common writing guidelines
Students and researchers beginning to write their bachelor’s theses, master’s theses or licentiate theses in May 2019 and thereafter will use the new, common writing guidelines for their works. See These writing guidelines apply for other written works also.
Students who have begun writing their theses before 1.5.2019 can use the earlier faculty-specific guidelines until 31.12.2020. Students that already have begun writing their theses can however change to the new writing guidelines, if they wish to.
The new writing guidelines follow APA citation style, which means that managing sources and references is easier than with previous guidelines. The new guidelines include a lot of examples, which simplifies students’ writing process.
Digital submission of theses to Osuva
From 1.8.2019, students will submit their theses digitally to the Osuva publications archive. You will also e-mail your thesis to the supervisor and to Education Services. This means that printing and binding of theses will be abandoned.
Digital theses (master’s theses and licentiate theses) can be read in the university’s open publications archive Osuva, through which they are accessible for anyone to study. For all theses published in Osuva, the author’s name, the title of the work and the abstract will be accessible. Bachelor’s theses are an exception, they will be archived in a hidden collection in Osuva.
University of Vaasa recommends open access publishing of master’s theses and licentiate theses. Open access publishing stands for providing free public access to the thesis for reading, downloading and linking purposes. In exceptional cases, master’s theses can, on recommendation by the supervisor, be published with access limited to Tritonia’s computers. Despite the limited access to a thesis, the author’s name, the title of the work and the abstract will be freely available online. Licentiate theses are always readable online.
Theses are, however, public documents to which everyone who is interested has access.
More information on digital publishing and archiving, see
Further information:
Eija Heinonen-Özdemir
Vice-director, Education Services
University Services, Education Services
Tel. 029 449 8149
Merja Kallio
Publications Secretary
Tel. 029 449 8246
Katri Rintamäki
Head of Services, Education and research support services
Tel. 029 449 8603